Thursday, December 11, 2008


Not exactly sure this classifies as a CREDO, but it meets my need. I'm working on some introspection --- putting down in writing a path to my future.

Clarification - Clarifying my beliefs and values.

Congruence - Bringing my actions into alignment with my beliefs and values. Executing the actions I determined necessary to be congruent.. Doing what I said I would do.

Consistency - Repeatly. Habitual execution. Routine.

These phases are vertical - sequential. Even the substeps are sequential. One builds on the other. Beliefs spawn values. Values bring expectations of outcomes. These must be clear before one can line up competing events and attitudes into a congruent life. Repetition brings habit. Habit is now who you are.

These phases are also horizonal. New information can be received at any phase requirin change in others. While one would like at least beliefs to remain unchanged, they don't. Or we would still have a flat earth. Changes in one place trickle down to others.

Herein lies contentment.

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