Friday, April 1, 2011

Remembering a Special Classmate

Today I read with sadness and shock of the passing of a special high school classmate. Violet Sagon Jones Medusky lost her battle with ALS. I'm surprised because I thought if there was ever anyone who would be the first to whip the enemy, PeeWee would be that one.

I was only around Violet for my high school and a couple of college years. She was older than me. By one day. I didn't let her forget it. She had the kind of personality I felt I already knew when I first met her. And now after not being around for 40 years I think I still know her. What a beautiful person, inside and out. A heart of gold. Thoughtful of others, kind, a real spark - I can't think of any way a person could be around her and not feel better just because of it.

Violet was always such an active person. In high school we had track meets on school picnic days. I remember the first time she entered races. Cute,I thought, but I hoped she wouldn't be embarrassed. She was so small and spindly. Wow! Could she move!

It took this horrid disease to slow her down. Besides the physical drain, I have to think the emotional drain of knowing she was so dependent on others do do everything for her must have been at lease equal in agony.

Seeing her pictures and posts, I like to think even if she lost this battle, she won the war. She fought with all the strength she had. I don't see someone who let the disease take away the parts of her that were the most endearing to all who knew her - her optimism, strength of character, caring for others.

Now comes the rest she couldn't have for the last few years. And sadness, not for her. She knows nothing. But sadness for those whose lives lost something Tuesday. Jan, kids, friends, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Somehow the world seems to have a little less energy.

1 comment:

seabreeze said...

A beautiful tribute to someone I wish I had known better. My one distinct memory of Violet is her name on the chart of 50 yard dash records. Her time was my benchmark. I never made it.