Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Orange Surprise

I walked in the house and I smelled them before I saw them. You know how certain aromas take you back to somewhere in the past?

It was 1959. The orange trees in the grove behind our house were heavy with fruit. Every day the adventure was to squeeze between the posts of the fence and wander through the grove. There were many on the ground already, full of juice. Every one I picked up was delicious - somewhat different from the last. But the common traits - sweet, tart, aromatic, juice, seeds - burned somewhere into my first grader's mind. Those memories would never leave.

Enter Elizabeth Barrett Snooks. High school friend. I've seen her once or twice in the 40+ years since. Somewhat connected again on Facebook a year or so ago. The other day on her wall she was talking about picking fresh oranges outside her house. The flood of rememberences came back to me. I said how good that sounded.

The next day she messaged she would send me a box. AND SHE DID! WOW! Within a few days, fresh from the tree, still smelling tree ripened, full juiced, easy peeling, not painted-on-orange-colored, even a few little bug spots (just to show they were not store-perfect but the real thing), sweet with just the right tart oranges! Don't tell me you can't find heaven in Iowa.

The tasty morsels are half gone. My self imposed limit of two is adhered to. Or was on a couple of days. As the bottom of the package becomes more visible I think back on the kindness shown. Thank you for the oranges. But even more important. Something prompted Liz to do that. To make someone's day. I like that. Liz, you encourage me to make someone's day tomorrow. I will be on the lookout.

1 comment:

seabreeze said...

I love hearing the memories from your childhood. Even though we shared the same parents, the same house, the same world we do have our own take-aways. I never ate the oranges in the back. It must have been unbelieveably sweet! Thoughtful deed.